Lawn Care Secrets

If you’re one of those homeowners who think that lawn care should be done during springtime only along with house cleaning services, then you better think again. Taking care of your lawn should be a year-round job and not just something you do occasionally or annually. It takes some effort to keep it looking good and healthy, and you need to be up for it always. Here are some lawn maintenance tips you should consider doing to keep your lawn clean and healthy all year long.

1. Keep Your Lawn Fertilized

Fertilizer is a necessary component when it comes to lawn maintenance. It promotes root growth and helps control and eliminate weeds. Ever wonder how your neighbour’s trees and shrubs seem to flourish? It’s probably because of the proper application of fertilizer.

So, the question is, how frequently should your lawn be fertilized? You should put fertilizer on your lawn a couple of times within a year, particularly in February, April, June, September, October, and November. Those six months in a year are crucial, especially when the seasons change. Depending on the season, you’ll need to use a particular type of fertilizer, and you need to make sure you apply enough of them.

2. Don’t Let the Weeds Get Out of Control

Weeds are something you’d never want to thrive on your lawn. While fertilizer is a great solution to control weed growth, calling a lawn care expert is still necessary to eliminate them. Weeds can spread quickly and steal nourishment from your precious plants as they grow. If you want to get rid of them, you can use pre-emergent herbicides early in the year to coat the topsoil and prevent the weeds from emerging. After that, a post-emergent herbicide can be used to attack any existing weeds.

3. Maintain Proper Nourishment

Now, if you’re worried about the effect of chemical herbicides on your lawn, then a better and safer solution is to call lawn care services in Alberta that use organic bio-nutrients. These are supplements that encourage plant growth without the use of harmful chemicals. Bio-nutrients are an excellent solution to improve the grassroots’ ability to absorb water from the soil. They’re also designed to protect your yard from weeds and pest invasions.

4. Prevent Lawn-Killing Diseases

If you think weeds are a handful, then lawn diseases can be quite a disaster. Diseases like Gray Snow Mold and Powdery Mildew are notorious during the fall and winter months, and they can lay waste to your entire lawn. While it doesn’t happen to every yard, you should still want to protect your lawn from these diseases.

You can protect your lawn by proactively receiving disease prevention in summer, and it should be good enough to last you the entire season and even through the winter months.

5. Keep Your Lawn’s pH Levels in Check

Another reason why year-long lawn care is a must is because of the volatile nature of pH levels in the soil. If your soil is too acidic, that could affect the growth of the grass. You need to keep your pH levels in check, especially in March. In July, a lime application should be applied to help maintain a healthy pH balance. This is a crucial step if you want to keep your lawn healthy and thriving.


Year-round lawn care is a commitment that you need to keep if you want your lawn looking great at all times. Remember, a great-looking lawn adds to your home’s curb appeal, so you better make an effort to take care of it all year long. This guide should help you get an idea of what to expect and what to do so your lawn needs are always met.

Sparkle & Sheen is just a phone call away to help you get some of your chores done like cleaning, organizing, housekeeping, and lawn maintenance. We take pride in our level of service and our dedicated staff who are always ready to serve you. Whenever you need lawn care and professional cleaning services, we are the ones to call. Contact us today to book an appointment!